U.S Address Tax Free

Posted on 2024-04-02 Updated on 2024-04-02

We are proud to announce that our company's location in the state of Florida, USA, has been exempted from taxes according to local tax policies. However, we are currently facing a challenge where taxes are being imposed mandatorily on our location through some online platforms without our consent.

This issue is beyond our control and requires concerted efforts to address and resolve. We are actively engaging with local authorities and relevant entities to explore effective solutions to this matter.

We reaffirm our strong commitment to compliance with tax laws and regulations wherever we operate, and we are diligently working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

We will continue to update you on developments in this situation and appreciate your support and understanding during this challenging period.

Note: To qualify for the purchase tax exemption, please enter the shipping address exactly as it appears on our addresses page.

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